7 Incredible Pencil Uses For Your Garden

Do you know that pencil has great uses in the garden? If you wonder about its use, this post today will help you open its secrets. After reading, we believe that you will never toss unused shavings or pencil waste generated by your kid while sharpening pencils because of a wide range of amazing uses waiting for you ahead. Without any further ado, check them out with us!
7 Incredible Pencil Uses For Your Garden
If you’re just using your pencils to write your notebook, you’re only tapping a fraction of their potential. Pencil shavings trash is actually really beneficial in the garden, you can make it easily such as sowing seeds, creating a garden marker, using it as mulch, and more. You totally take advantage of an old pencil for your garden and plants as well. Are you ready to get some pencil uses on the list today? Try them and see their practical uses!

#1 Sowing Seeds

Source: Daviddomoney

For tiny seeds, you might get trouble in sowing, a pencil can help ease your propagation issues. You can use a pencil and moisten the tip, move the tip on seeds and they will stick to it.

#2 Garden Marker

Source: Theglobeandmail

Pencils can become a useful garden marker for your plants. What’s more, they withstand sun and snow, even rain as well.

#3 Pencil Shavings as Mulch

Source: Enviromom

You can save pencil shavings then use them as mulch as pencils are made from cedar wood, clay, and graphite mix which is non-toxic and a source of carbon to plants.

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#4 Pencil Shaving Compost

Source: Brownthumbmama

To control pests and bugs visiting your compost, let’s mix pencil shavings into the compost bin or around the plants.

#5 Transplant Seedlings

Source: Inforum

When your seedlings formed, you can use a pencil and lift the seedling carefully to move them in the hole and firm the soil.

#6 Support Young Plants

Source: Goodshomedesign

Your plants are too young, if it needs support until they mature more, a pencil is a helper. Simply, staking a small plant, tie with a cloth strip, or an old pantyhose.

#7 Help Watching Out The Watering Needs

Source: Lovescucchiaioi

To help you keeping an eye on the watering needs of plants, a pencil is also a great tool. Simply, insert a pencil halfway into the pot and keep it that way. Take out the pencil before watering your plants, and check the level of moisture on it.

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