Do you know that whether silverware is old or new, it can do way more than you previously thought it could? In fact, we found 26 ways that you can make something amazing with your old silverware or kitchen items. No matter what you are looking to update and continue to use your old forks, knives, and spoons for eating or you want to try your hand at making some super creative home decor, you are sure to find some projects you love here. In addition, many of these projects require little time and only a pair of scissors, and of course, the repurposed bottles are free.
Some are so simple without any of your handful skills, simply fill up soil and choose plants that you want to grow. Others are crafts such as wind chimes made out of spoons and teapot, garden markers from wine corks, planters from fry pan or funnels, and more. They have the same point is – all of these are easy and fun to complete. They are completely great for use in both your garden and home. After reading this post, you will know that creativity is unlimited, it might be made out of the simplest things and these ideas here are awesome examples. Get some ideas here and try them!
#1 Tin Can Herb Garden
Source: Diyjoy
#2 Hanging Mason Jar Planter
Source: Ramshackleglam
#3 Using Half Plastic Bottle To Protect Young Plants
Source: Bystephanielynn
#4 Upcycled Plastic Bottle To Create Greenhouse
Source: Lushome
#5 Eggshell Seed Starters
Source: Diyjoy
#6 Suuclent Ladle Planter
Source: Dishfunctionaldesigns
#7 Newspaper Seed Starter
Source: Eatwell101
#8 Tin Can Planter For Windows
Source: Mireiodesigns
#9 Coconut Planter
Source: Tumblr
#10 Hanging Glass Jar Candle Holder
Source: Nowtolove
#11 Unused Light Bulb Planters
Source: Heypretty
#12 Impressive Flower Idea
Source: Freshideen
#13 Funnel Planter
Source: Mypaintedgarden
#14 Rusty Pan Planter
Source: Ranchoreubidoux
#15 Pot Flower Planter
Source: Japaneseflowergarden
#16 Spoon Hook and Mason Jar Planter
Source: Hutchstudio
#17 Grow Succulents In Old Strainers
Source: Refabdiaries
#18 Teapot Wind Chime
Source: Cindy Bouse Adams
#19 Cool Garden Marker
Source: Diyeverywhere
#20 Old Plate And Empty Bottle Create A Focal Point In The Garden
Source: Empressofdirt
#21 Bird Feeder Made Out Of Teacup And Spoon
Source: Alisoncoldridge
#22 Painted Bottle Chimes
Source: Christy Tascher
#23 Repurposed Pot Lid Project
Source: Theownerbuildernetwork
#24 Pitcher and Bowl with Succulents
Source: Amazon
#25 DIY Spilling Solar String Lights
Source: Thenavagepatch
#26 Funky Upcycling Idea
Source: Naturalnewagemum
See also 20 DIY Planter Ideas To Spruce Up Your Home On A Budget
More DIY Ideas

With a love for all things creative and hands-on, Adarshini has dedicated her life to exploring various do-it-yourself projects. Through her books and online platforms, she inspires and empowers individuals to unleash their creativity and transform everyday objects into unique works of art. Adarshini ‘s step-by-step instructions and innovative ideas have garnered a large following, making her a respected authority in the world of DIY.