19 Best Tea Herbs That You Can Grow Easily In The Garden

There is nothing better than enjoying a cup of hot tea on chilly evenings or on the cold morning of winter days. It not only helps you keep staying more awake, feeling more comfortable but also it brings several benefits for health. Instead of drinking plain water, tea herbs are a great choice when you want something refreshing with healthy ingredients in it. So, in the post today, we will introduce the 19 Best Tea Herbs That You Can Grow Easily In The Garden and make into your flavorful drinks.
19 Best Tea Herbs That You Can Grow Easily In The Garden
These herbs can grow well both indoors and outdoors. Whether you grow them any space, anywhere, they also adapt to all growth conditions. What’s more, most of the plants on this list make a beautiful addition to brighten up your outdoor living space. If you have a garden and want to confine your tea garden to one area, you’ll have a beautiful garden to stroll. For these good reasons, grow them today for a healthy refreshing beverage for your family!

#1 Ginger

Source: Plantingman

Both roots and leaves of ginger are used to make teas to treat some cure diseases like cold, flu, nausea, improve digestion and appetite.

#2 Chamomile

Source: Gardenista

The flowers of Chamomile are used to make tea to help induce calm and sleep.

#3 Marjoram

Source: Thespruce

Marjoram tea has a fruity and sour flavor with a hint of mint, which cures various digestion and stomach problems.

#4 Rosemary

Source: Ugaoo

Rosemary tea will help you in improving digestion, promoting cognitive function, acting as an antioxidant, and protecting the body from heart disease and cancer.

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#5 Lavender

Source: Provenwinners

Using lavender buds to make tea will help calm the mind, help you sleep better, and improve skin texture.

#6 Sage

Source: Almanac

Thanks to antiseptic tonic properties, sage helps in treating mouth ulcers and sore throat. You can make tea by taking 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried sage leaves and steeping them for 3 – 5 minutes in boiling water, straining, and mixing honey for taste.

#7 St. John’s wort

Source: Thespruce

St. John’s wort tea is great to treat nervous disorders, such as insomnia, depression, anxiety.

#8 Basil

Source: Farmersalmanac

Basil tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help in handling anxiety and stress.

#9 Mint

Source: Gardenerspath

Mint tea helps in fighting digestive disorders, abdominal pain, and stomach cramps.

#10 Lemon Grass

Source: Gardeningknowhow

Lemon Grass tea protects against heart diseases by reducing inflammation in blood vessels and arteries. You can use by cutting the stalks into 1-2 inches pieces and brew in hot water.

#11 Stevia

Source: Britannica

The sweet Stevia leaves can be steeped to make tea. This natural sweetener is used in place of sugar, and it is good for diabetics. Stevia leaves have sweet that makes it great to make tea. Its natural sweetener is used in place of sugar, and it is good for diabetics.

#12 Thyme

Source: Gardeningknowhow

Thyme tea relieves stomach problems and sore throat. You can use both its leaves and flowers to make tea.

#13 Catnip

Source: Gardeningknowhow

Catnip tea is an excellent treat after an exhausting day thanks to its mildly sedative and calming. It helps in cough, asthma, gas, and nervousness.

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#14 Viola

Source: Gardenersworld

Viola helps fight various skin diseases, allergies, and sore throat by using it in tea. You can use all parts of this herb.

#15 Lemon Verbena

Source: Growjoy

Lemon Verbena tea treats joint pain, insomnia, cold, fever, and digestive issues. You can make by putting 3 lemon verbena leaves in 4 cups of water and boil for 15 minutes, serve hot or iced.

#16 Fennel

Source: Gardenerspath

Fennel tea is beneficial for digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, and flatulence. Simply, brew the seeds in hot water for a refreshing tea.

#17 Cilantro

Source: Goodhousekeeping

Cilantro tea clears toxins from the body and prevents indigestion.

#18 Jasmine

Source: Easytogrowbulbs

Jasmine tea is useful in muscle spasms and has antiseptic properties. Dry and mix them with green tea as well, or steep the flowers alone

#19 Lemon Balm

Source: Harvesttotable

Lemon Balm tea treats headaches, relieving tension and digestive disorders.

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