Do you want to enjoy vegetable years after years with growing once time? In addition to growing annuals, you also could consider perennial vegetables. For the simple reason, you won’t have to reseed or replant these plants each year to enjoy a harvest of food. You just plant once and your plantings should last for several years, maybe even several decades.
Many beginner gardeners often plant the crops that are easy to grow along with a little patience and love, be it tomatoes, corn, beans, pumpkins, peppers, or herbs. Over time, your garden and your homesteading skills need to expand, there is no other way around positive growth. And planting perennials is a possible choice! To get you started, here are 17 Perennial Vegetables to Grow In Spring for your garden. There will always be something to harvest when you invest in perennials. Check them out.
#1. Groundnut
Image source: The Spruce
Groundnut is a nitrogen-fixing climber or vine with tiny edible tubers. Its tubers have a nutty, potato-like taste. It forms like strings of pearls below the ground.
#2. Lovage
Image source: Gardenerspath
Lovage is often grown as a perennial alternative to celery and is so easy to grow.
#3. Daylilies
Image source: Almanac
Daylilies have all parts from the tubers to the shoots to the blooms that are edible and have a range of different uses.
#4. Rhubarb
Image source: Gurneys
Rhubarb is a great perennial vegetable to consider for growing in the next years. To obtain a yield right away, you can also buy a mature pot-grown plant in April.
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#5. Hablitzia
Image source: Quercusedibles
Hablitzia has leafy-green, spinach-like vegetables, this herbaceous perennial is a vine, producing an abundance of green leaves.
#6. Musk Mallow
Image source: Gardenia
Musk Mallow is the best perennial alternatives to lettuce for summer salads with its mild flavor.
#7. Sea Kale
Image source: Plantselect
Sea Kale is another excellent perennial vegetable to grow in your garden. Its leaves are used like regular kale and other brassica greens, and the young shoots can also be cook like asparagus.
#8. Sea Beet
Image source: Wildfooduk
Sea Beet is a wild relative to beetroot and chard, and it is a perennial vegetable alternative to spinach orchard. The young leaves can be eaten raw while are usually cooked. The flowering stems also can be cooked and treated as a sprouting broccoli substitute.
#9. Horseradish
Image source: Harvesttotable
Horseradish is an interesting addition to your homegrown diet. Also, this vegetable can be a great companion plant because it can repel a range of pest species and attract pollinators and other beneficial insects when in flower.
#10. Asparagus
Image source: Gardenersworld
Asparagus can grow in beds alongside other perennial plants, or even in annual vegetable beds.
#11. Skirret
Image source: Incrediblevegetables
Skirret is a root crop, which offers a perennial alternative to parsnips. The roots are like parsnips, and though smaller and less quick to grow. It also requires far less input and effort.
#12. Hostas
Image source: Extension
Hostas have rolled-up leaves in the spring that are delicious, and the leaves can also be consumed. They are great in stir-fries and also work well in many recipes requiring cooked greens.
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#13. Artichokes
Image source: Lovethegarden
Artichokes are excellent options, often growing very well in a range of conditions.
#14. Stinging Nettles
Image source: Rebootedmom
Although Stinging Nettles is considered as weed, the young leaves are so delicious when cooked in a range of recipes. Bonus, you will not need to sow them, as they will arrive on their own.
#15. Turkish Rocket
Image source: Foodforestfarm
Turkish Rocket is another vegetable to consider for salads and cooked greens.
#16. Alliums
Image source: Standard
Like wild garlic, ramsons or ramps, bunching or walking onions, chives, and perennial leeks, Alliums also belong to the onion family that will provide a yield over a number of years. They’re not just good for culinary purposes but also are fantastic for pest control in perennial beds, fruit tree guilds, forest gardens, etc.
#17. Chicory/Radicchio
Image source: Harvesttotable
Chicory/radicchio has leaves that are rather bitter but make a fantastic addition to mixed salads.
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With a love for all things creative and hands-on, Adarshini has dedicated her life to exploring various do-it-yourself projects. Through her books and online platforms, she inspires and empowers individuals to unleash their creativity and transform everyday objects into unique works of art. Adarshini ‘s step-by-step instructions and innovative ideas have garnered a large following, making her a respected authority in the world of DIY.