17 Best Stunning Rose Varieties To Grow In The Garden

Roses are called the queen of flowers. They are romantic, beautiful, and haughty, in a poetical way. So, when it comes to flowers, you can’t help mentioning roses. They have such exquisite designs and come in a wide variety of colors to create a fantastic look for any garden. You can create a scented bower, line your backyard with roses, drape roses overarches, or make blossoming walls, or grow in pots to keep as houseplants.
17 Best Stunning Rose Varieties To Grow In The Garden
In the post today, we are so glad to introduce the 17 Best Stunning Rose Varieties To Grow In The Garden. They come in different sizes and colors. Whether you grow single bushes, clusters of roses, companion plants, or any other combination, your rose garden can also make a colorful and fragrant place for you to sit and dream. Also, growing them helps to keep your home air fresh, improve the beautiful atmosphere, and have a relaxed spirit. For the great reasons here, let’s start your own rose garden by growing some types here. Check them out!

#1 Hybrid Tea Roses

Source: Gardenia

Hybrid Tea Roses are a crossbreed of perpetual and tea rose. They are easy to care for and come in pink, yellow, white, orange, red, green, purple colors.

#2 Polyantha Roses

Source: Sandiegouniontribune

Polyantha Roses grow prolific blooms from spring to fall in pink, red, and white colors. Furthermore, polyantha roses are also low-maintenance.

#3 Rambler Roses

Source: Davidaustinroses

Rambler roses grow abundant flowers from15 to 20 on a single stem. They also require low maintenance.

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#4 Shrub Roses

Source: Gardenersworld

Shrub roses are the crossbreed of modern and old roses. These roses are cold-hardy and tend to spread vastly. Also, they do not need much care and are disease-resistant to some extent as well.

#5 Centifolia Roses

Source: Historicroses

Centifolia are also known as cabbage roses with their petals that are closely packed with each other, in a globular shape, giving them an appearance of cabbage. They come in white and pink hues with an intense fragrance and flower only once in early summer.

#6 Noisette Roses

Source: Aberdeengardening

Noisette Roses bloom in huge clusters and come in cream, pink, yellow, apricot, and white shades. These roses prefer a warm climate.

#7 Miniature Roses

Source: Edmundsroses

Miniature Roses has small-sized roses. They are a hybrid of tea roses. Most of them are cold-hardy and flower continually for 2-3 weeks.

#8 Tea Roses

Source: Davidaustinroses

Tea Roses are tea-scented roses that have pointed buds that open to large flowers. They have weak flower stalks and are available in white, pink, yellow colors. They can also tolerate hot, humid weather.

#9 Floribunda Roses

Source: Gardenersworld

Floribunda Roses cross of hybrid teas and polyanthas, floribunda flowers in clusters with a dense, floral pattern. They are ideal for your landscape or garden bed.

#10 Alba Roses

Source: Historicroses

Alba Roses have white to pink flowers, with blue-green foliage of alba roses, which are best suited for in shady areas like a balcony or patio, as they can tolerate cold and shade both.

#11 Climbing Roses

Source: Bhg

Climbing Roses displays large flowers, multiple times, during their growing seasons.

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#12 Hybrid Perpetual Roses

Source: Historicroses

Hybrid Perpetual Roses produce a lovely, berry-like aroma. Hybrid perpetual roses are vigorous types, coming in pink, purple, red, and white colors.

#13 Bourbon Roses

Source: Pinterest

Bourbon roses are the perfect blend of beauty and fragrance. These roses have leathery foliage and bloom flowers from spring to autumn, in white to deep pink colors.

#14 Moss Roses

Source: Bhg

Moss roses grow small flowers like miniature roses in colors like red, pink, yellow, magenta, dark orange, and white. They are a perfect choice for ground covers and bedding.

#15 Grandiflora Roses

Source: Michiganbulb

Grandiflora offers showy flowers on tall stems, in clusters of 3-5, coming in purple, red, orange, pink, and yellow colors with a pleasing fragrance. Its blooming time is from late spring to late summer.

#16 Gallica Roses

Source: Monticelloshop

In early summer, the Gallica Roses bring flowers that come in diverse colors of deep pink, red, purple, and maroon. Its flowers release a heady fragrance.

#17 Groundcover or Landscape Roses

Source: Gardenia

Groundcover or Landscape Roses have a variety of floral patterns that comes in orange, pink, scarlet, purple, and white colors. You can find some popular varieties such as Flower Carpet Coral, Flower Carpet Pink Supreme, Flower Carpet Scarlet.

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