When it comes to growing, most of you will think of a rich and loamy soil zone and miss a stubborn patch of soil in your garden where most plants seem to wither away. Don’t waste your property. And in the post today, we will give an incredibly simple solution to this common problem. That is planting plants that will flourish in that stubborn spot.
Here is the list of 15 Best Plants That Grow Well in Poor Soil, whether it is clay soil or sandy soil, all grow well with require basic conditions. Not just that, growing them in a hardy soil zone not only adds some versatility to your garden, but most plants that do well in low-quality soil are also worry-free and easy to care for. If you are interested in them, let’s spend your time learning about them to grow in your poor soil or heavy clay soil along with our short guide below.
#1. Lettuce
Image source: Chatham
If your garden is clay soil, lettuce also thrives. It grows well in full sun but may tolerate shady spots.
#2. Tickseed
Image source: Garrettseed
Tickseed needs full sun but isn’t very fussy about soil as long as water drains well.
#3. Purple Coneflower
Image source: Growjoy
Purple coneflowers need full sun and regular watering. They also require decent drainage, making them a great choice for sandy soil gardens.
#4. Autumn Joy Sedum
Image source: Bluestoneperennials
Autumn Joy Sedum needs full sun in order to produce many flowers and requires very little water therefore thrives in that sandy spot in the garden.
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#5. Cup Plant
Image source: The Spruce
Cup Plant grows well in clay soil along with the full sun and regular watering. This flower does well in many types of soil but grows best in rich, clay soils due to the water retention capabilities.
#6. Butterfly Weed
Image source: Hudsonvalleyseed
Butterfly Weed loves full sun with its drought tolerance. It can grow in dry, sandy soil and requires little water once established.
#7. Bigleaf Periwinkle
Image source: Livenative
Bigleaf Periwinkle is an extremely easy plant to care for and can withstand clay soil conditions, as long as the soil is not too compacted.
#8. Lavender
Image source: Redding
Lavender is one of the plants that do well in low-quality soil, so it can thrive in dry sandy soil patches in your garden.
#9. Wild Bee Balm
Image source: Outsidepride
Wild bee balm is yet another easy-growing perennial that loves full sun with partial shade. For the best growth, water them frequently.
#10. Yarrow (Achillea)
Image source: Biogric
Yarrow is a hardy flower that thrives in poor-quality soil, whether clay or sandy, will be perfect for this hardy flower.
#11. Perennial Sunflower
Image source: Walmart
Perennial Sunflower grows well in almost any tough condition and loves full sun.
#12. Rose of Sharon
Image source: Gardening Know How
Rose of Sharon does well in most hot conditions and can be drought tolerant. This flower isn’t too fussy about soil, so long as it drains well, making it ideal for sandy soil conditions.
#13. Black-Eyed Susan
Image source: Mckenzieseeds
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Black-eyed Susans love poor soils and thrive in full sun.
#14. New York Ironweed
Image source: Gardenia
New York Ironweed is a clay-loving plant. They require full sun but love the partial sun too.
#15. Foxtail Lilies (Eremurus)
Image source: Springhillnursery
Foxtail Lilies are low maintenance, needing very little water and plenty of sunlight, so it suits to grow in your clay soil.
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With a love for all things creative and hands-on, Adarshini has dedicated her life to exploring various do-it-yourself projects. Through her books and online platforms, she inspires and empowers individuals to unleash their creativity and transform everyday objects into unique works of art. Adarshini ‘s step-by-step instructions and innovative ideas have garnered a large following, making her a respected authority in the world of DIY.