15 Best Beautiful Cut Flower Varieties To Grow In Your Garden

Whether you’re a professional floral designer looking to add some unique options to special bridal bouquets or just a home gardener who loves to bring a garden-fresh bouquet to grace your living room table, growing flowers for cutting is a true joy. And here are the 15 Best Beautiful Cut Flower Varieties To Grow In Your Garden that you will fall in love with their beauty.
15 Best Beautiful Cut Flower Varieties To Grow In Your Garden
Taking a look, you will see that they are so beautiful! Each has its own beauty that easily attracts any looks and stones any heart. Simply cut from the plant and put them on a cup of tea or in a mason jar with some water that is enough to make your house more outstanding in a long time. They are also can easily grow in pots or garden beds to make your house more attractive than ever.

#1 Gladiolus

Source: gardenerspath

Gladiolus displays flowering stalks that can reach over 3 feet tall and its flowers come in different colors of garnet red, hot pink, yellow, cream, and coral to green.

#2 Lavender

Source: homesandgardens

Lavender is one of the most popular flowers that present a wide range of use in craft, culinary, and medicinal fields. It flowers are not only beautiful but also sweet.

#3 Lily of the Incas

Source: gardeningknowhow

Lily of the Incas is also called Parrot lily, its flowers can last around two weeks. Besides giving you beautiful flowers, the plant also symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and fortune.

#4 Peony

Source: homefortheharvest

Peony is a pretty flowering shrub that rewards you with fluffy blooms with a hint of sweet citrus-like fragrance.

See also  13 Scented Flowers That Have Smell Like Citrus

#5 Rose

Source: gardenersworld

No need to introduce them, roses are a flower loved and grown by many gardeners. There are many varieties you can choose from.

#6 Sunflower

Source: americanmeadows

The sunflower is a beautiful cut flower for your bouquet. There are single stem or branching options and also dwarf cultivars available as well to suit your taste.

#7 Sweet Pea

Source: britannica

There are annual or perennial varieties, they are perfect for cut flowers.

#8 Tulip

Source: whiteflowerfarm

Tulips are stunning spring flowers. They do well both in garden beds and pots to enhance your landscaping.

#9 Zinnia

Source: floretflowers

Zinnia is a productive plant with long-lasting flowers. You can grow this flower easily.

#10 Hydrangea

Source: gardensbythebay

Although Hydrangea flowers don’t last long and wilt, they also are one of the most popular cut flowers in vases and bouquets that many people love.

#11 Snapdragon

Source: gardenbeast

The bright flowers of the Snapdragon make a wonderful addition to your bouquets and vases. This plant loves growing in warm temperatures.

#12 Geranium

Source: southernliving

Geranium grows well both indoors and outdoors. You can enjoy its flower clusters in DIY vases like glasses and mason jars to bring a lovely tabletop or desk.

#13 Gerbera Daisy

Source: pixels

Gerbera Daisy is a beautiful flower that ranges in different colors, you can even grow it indoors in lovely pots or small containers.

#14 Veronica

Source: petalrepublic

Veronica is a low-maintenance flower. The blooms come in shades of blue, pink, white, and purple colors.

#15 Allium

Source: suttons

There are some plants that belong to the allium family such as onions, shallots, and garlic, and ornamental flowering varieties, each has its own beauty, all can be grown as cut flowers.

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