Brown Flowers represent warmth, stability, and nature. If you want to add blooms ò this unique color, you are reading the right post. Here we are so glad to share the list of the 14 Best Beautiful Varieties of Brown Flowers that provide depth and interest for every garden. These brown flowers will convey a feeling of groundedness and connection to the natural world that flowers of other colors cannot. Spend your time checking them out with us.
As you can see in our pictures, there are so many shades of brown, and a brown floral arrangement would be perfect for fall flowers themed for a special occasion. It’s always fun to have bright colors in your garden, but the brown color will give it more plentiful. Some brown flowers are so perfect match if you want to send them as a gift with chocolate beside them. Others, you can use them for decorating purposes. Keep reading to choose some that you love and grow them in your garden.
#1 Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.)
Source: Stonecrop
Flowering Tobacco is a brown-flowering variety ‘Hot Chocolate’ that produces rosy-bronze flowers.
#2 Tropical Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis)
Source: Agrilifetoday
Tropical Hibiscus is a hybridization that comes in colors like gray, charcoal, and brown-bronze tones.
#3 Daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.)
Source: Davesgarden
Daylilies also is a result of crossbreeding. You can find new varieties include rusty brown flowers like ‘Sweet Hot Chocolate’ and ‘Sir Mod Red.’
#4 Cattleya Velutina (Cattleya Velutina)
Source: Orchidroots
Cattleya Velutina produces brown-bronze petals with deep red or burgundy dots across the white lip, with golden throat and purple stripes.
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#5 Blanket Flower (Gaillardia Species)
Source: Gardenia
Blanket Flower showcases beautiful flowers with yellow edges, brown center, and red petals.
#6 Japanese Arisaema (Arisaema Sikokianum)
Source: Gtpoulsen
Japanese Arisaema displays cloak-like, purple-brown spathe flowers around a white, finger-like spadix.
#7 Antler Orchids (Dendrobium Discolor)
Source: Davesgarden
The Antler Orchids feature 1-3 inches wide light brown, tan, reddish-brown, or yellow long-petaled wavy flowers with a mauve-colored lip, on 20 inches long stem.
#8 Absalon Tulip (Tulipa ‘Absalon’)
Source: Amsterdamtulipmuseumonline
Absalon Tulip blooms flowers in the chocolate brown petals with rich yellow swirls.
#9 Angel Amber Kiss Pansy ( Viola Cornuta)
Source: Gardendesign
Angel Amber Kiss Pansy produces golden-orange-brown color flowers from April- July.
#10 Chocolate Orchid (Dendrobium Johannis)
Source: Bluenanta
Chocolate Orchid has deep red-brown flowers and comes with a perk of sweet, chocolate-smelling blooms.
#11 Carolina Allspice (Calycanthus floridus)
Source: Freerangestock
Carolina Allspice is easy to grow in containers. It produces deep red to brown flowers with a pleasing smell of chocolate.
#12 Hardy Mums (Chrysanthemum rubellum)
Source: Wsmag
You can paint your fall garden with brown-bronze color by growing varieties such as ‘Autumn Glow Bronze,’ ‘Fireglow,’ ‘Katelli Bronze,’ and ‘Bronze Elegance.’
#13 Boat Orchids (Cymbidiums)
Source: Mygarden
Boat Orchids show off brown flowers with hints of yellow and peach with a deep crimson throat.
#14 Bearded Irises (Iris germanica)
Source: Kelways
Bearded Irises is available in unusual color combinations, some other varieties include dull orange, bronze, or brown.
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With a love for all things creative and hands-on, Adarshini has dedicated her life to exploring various do-it-yourself projects. Through her books and online platforms, she inspires and empowers individuals to unleash their creativity and transform everyday objects into unique works of art. Adarshini ‘s step-by-step instructions and innovative ideas have garnered a large following, making her a respected authority in the world of DIY.