12 Vegetables And Herbs That Acts As Houseplants

Do you want to fill your living space with plant species? Not only common houseplants but there are also several veggies and herbs that give a stunning if planted indoors. Not to mention in cooking, you don’t need to go out as they are available right at the home. Check out the 12 Vegetables And Herbs That Acts As Houseplants for your indoor garden in the future.
12 Vegetables And Herbs That Acts As Houseplants
All are easy-to-grow vegetables and herbs that can handle any indoor conditions. Just give basic care or no need for too much sunlight and even artificial light from LEDs, they also do well. You can place them in any space from the living room, bedroom, or kitchen, as long as the location gives them a little direct sunlight or indirect sunlight. A few small green spaces like those are enough to make your life healthier and more peaceful. If you want to closer to nature and have fresh foods without going out into the garden, save and grow them!

#1 Lettuce

Source: Intentionalcaregiver

Lettuce is an easy-to-grow green leafy veggie. You can sow from the lettuce seeds in potting mix or regrow from scraps in the kitchen.

#2 Tomatoes

Source: Thespruce

Apart from popular varieties, there are several dwarf tomato pieces you can choose to grow indoors. They work well with the condition in your living space to give you a stunning look with small fruits and green leaves.

#3 Mustard Green

Source: Mashed

Like others, Mustard green grows easily, and even regrows well in a water environment. It also is a fast-growing vegetable and rich in vitamins. Grow it in pretty pots or any container to have a stunning look right in your living space. And a windowsill is an ideal location for its happy growth.

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#4 Spinach

Source: Pinterest

Like lettuce, the spinach also adapts well to indoor conditions. Even, under light, it also grows well to produce green leaves for a short time. If you don’t have a windowsill, you can give it a light source (led grow light).

#5 Microgreens

Source: Inhabitat

This veggie contains high in vitamins and other nutrients. It just takes a short period, from 5 to 7 days, then you can harvest the first fresh leaves from your indoor garden, full of microgreens. It is also a wonderful addition to your living space.

#6 Ginger

Source: Bobsmarket

Ginger is a wonderful herb, all parts are edible. You can grow it easily from its young seedling bulbs.

#7 Scallions

Source: Frugalminimalistkitchen

Scallions are incredibly easy-to-grow! If you don’t want to make your clothes dirty by soi, you also use water to grow it. Its growth still goes well as when grown in the soil.

#8 Basil

Source: Homedepot

Basil is a common and easy-growing herb that works well both indoors and outdoor. Basil can be grown in any DIY pots like plastic bottles, or old tea cups. You can grow this herb directly from its seeds, or use cuttings from the mother plant.

#9 Rosemary

Source: Hgvt

Belong to the herb family, rosemary is also very easy to grow indoors. To have a classy and beautiful look right in the home, grow it in pretty pots or reuse mason jars.

#10 Oregano

Source: Thespruce

Oregano also grows well from its cutting and quickly adapts to the indoor condition as long as gives it a good potting mix and water when the topsoil appears dry.

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#11 Mint

Source: Gardeningisgreat

Growing mint is very easy. Simply pick some good green cuttings, plant them in potting soil, and water them. After a few days, they will be ready to harvest.

#12 Thyme

Source: Apartmenttherapy

Thyme does well under light indoors. You can grow thyme from store-bought cuttings and give it water when the soil feels dry.

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