11 Best Root Vegetables To Grow In Containers

You want to enjoy organic vegetables but you don’t have the area to dig or you don’t want to be hurt your back for digging soil and pulling a weed, right? The answer is here. That is container gardening! It is the perfect solution if you want to grow your vegetables in a small area or indoors. If you’re thinking of starting a container garden and growing them in it, the post is for you. We are so glad to share the 13 Best Root Vegetables To Grow In Containers that will help you deal with your problem.
11 Best Root Vegetables To Grow In Containers
Green leafy vegetables aren’t the only nutritious source in daily meals, but root vegetables also have long been enjoyed as a delicious part of a healthy diet. This type of vegetable is defined as an edible plant that grows underground, turnip, carrots, and sweet potato, they are a few common examples that most are familiar with. And the list of root vegetables that grow underground that you love to enjoy the fresh harvest of the best root veggies.

#1 Radish

Source: Diynetwork

Radish is a fast-growing vegetable, it is ready to be harvested in a month. Growing it in some 6-8 inches deep (wide as much you want) pots. You can place containers on a small balcony, rooftop, deck, and even a windowsill as long as give it around 5-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

#2 Ginger

Source: Homesteading

Both leaves and shoots of ginger are edible. And it grows well in a container. You just get ginger rhizomes and plant them in approximately 12 inches deep, medium-sized pots. It prefers full sun in a cool climate and part sun in a hot climate.

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#3 Turnip

Source: Balconygardenweb

Turnip grows well in containers easily and quickly. You can grow it in a 10-12 inches deep container and sow the seeds directly. The vegetable favors growing in part sun or full sun. After 3-4 weeks, it will be ready to harvest greens, whereas turnip roots will take a few more weeks to reach maturity.

#4 Beets

Source: Containergardenbeds

Beets are rich in Iron, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Potassium. That is the reason why it is a should-have vegetable in your garden. If you don’t have a garden, you can grow it in containers and place it on the balcony. Plant beetroot seeds directly in small pots that are a minimum of 8 inches deep and as wide as possible.

#5 Horseradish

Source: Greenlifeinsocal

The young horseradish leaves are great ingredients for raw in salad dishes. And you can grow this vegetable in containers which is at least 18-24 inches deep and wide. Start the horseradish from its root in a large pot. It grows well in full sun to part sun.

#6 Taro

Source: Urbanseedling

Taro is an Asian root vegetable grown for its sumptuous, creamy, nutty-flavored roots and edible leaves. Also, it is an excellent ornamental plant. You can grow it for both decorating and cooking purposes. Growing it in a 12 inches deep pot (5-gallon) and place the pot in a location that gets filtered sunlight.

#7 Carrots

Source: Gardeningisgreat

Carrots grow well in small spaces of containers or pots. You just get a few window boxes, crates, plastic tubs, or pots and sow the seeds directly in them. The pots can be between 6-15 inches deep, depending on the carrot type you’re growing.

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#8 Sweet Potato

Source: Iamcountryside

Like Taro, Sweet potato is a great vegetable for both cooking and decorating purposes. It is a creeper and can be trained as a climber to take advantage of vertical space. You can grow it easily from the cuttings or bury a sweet potato in a medium-sized 10 inches deep container that is wide similarly.

#9 Garlic

Source: Sundaygardener

Garlic grows well in limited space as containers, pots, or boxes in both indoors and outdoors as long as gives it enough sunlight. Start growing them from grocery store garlic or buy from a farmer’s market or gardening store. Grow a pot that is 6-8 inches deep.

#10 Potatoes

Source: Apartmentprepper

Potatoes grow well in any space such as small balcony, rooftop, terrace, or patio has enough area to grow them. You can grow it in any type of container, growing bags, and even in polyethylene bags, dustbins, sacks, and tires.

#11 Green Onions

Source: Happyacres

Green Onions thrives in small 6 inches deep pots. They will grow quickly, and no more than a couple of weeks later, you’ll start harvesting.

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